


歡迎使用由聯安首飾工場有限公司營運的 www.luenonjewellery-onlineshop.com  (「本網站」)。請您仔細閱讀規管您使用本網站及/或站內資料的使用條款。


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1. 使用本網站
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2.4 未經我們事先書面准許,嚴禁以使用條款容許以外的方式使用本網站任何素材(部分或全部)(包括但不限於修改、刪除、分發、轉送、轉載、廣播、刊登、呈示、授權、彷製、轉讓或出售、或作商業性開發或創作衍生作品),或將本網站用於與我們或我們的聯屬公司的業務有所競爭的用途。
3. 本網站的內容
3.1 本網站的維護,以及所有於本網站呈列的材料及資訊僅旨在供您作個人娛樂、資訊、教育及/或通訊用途,切勿視之為我們以任何方式出售任何貨品或提供任何服務的要約。為免生疑問,本網站所展示的產品圖像僅供參考。倘您擬在線購買我們的產品,請到我們(或我們的聯屬公司)所營運的「地區網站」(其連結已於本網站提供),屆時您將受該「地區網站」的相關適用條款及條件所約束。
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3.3 任何於本網站上的輸入錯誤、文書或其他錯誤或遺漏將會由我們隨時修正而無需承擔任何責任。
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4. 通訊及所提交資料
4.1 您同意及准許透過本網站或就本網站向我們披露、提交或建議的任何及所有意見、訊息、數據、建議、設計、概念及其他項目或素材(統稱為「所提交資料」)並非保密(惟不包括按照或關於本網站內「特許經營商機」及「人才招聘」及我們不時告知的任何其他環節的所提交資料)。我們並無責任(i)維護提交的保密性(不包括與前述的除外所提交資料有關者);(ii)因為或就使用任何所提交資料向您或任何人士支付補償;或(iii)回應任何所提交資料。
4.2 您聲明及保證您所提交的資料不得(i)違反任何適用法律法規;(ii)侵犯其他人士的版權、商標、交易保密或其他知識產權,或侵犯他人的私隱或公開資料或其他個人權利;(iii) 含有誹謗、破壞名譽、淫穢、色情、造謠中傷、威脅、辱罵或仇恨成份;(iv)宣傳或招徠資金、貨品、服務,或散播任何垃圾郵件、大量寄發郵件、連鎖信、計劃及其他形式的招徠(除非本網站性質需要進行該等活動);或(v)載有病毒、木馬程式、蠕蟲程式、毀損檔案、或其他對他人電腦構成損害的素材。
4.3 您不得使用虛假電郵地址、冒充任何人士或團體,或以其他方式就所提交資料的來源誤導我們。
4.4 倘您透過本網站作出任何所提交資料,則您已無條件地授予我們及我們的聯屬公司非獨家、免特許費、永久、不可撤回及可全面分授的權利,以使用、轉載、修改、改編、發佈、翻譯、創作衍生作品,以不同媒體(受條款4.1所限)於世界各地分發及展示該等素材,並進行其他合法用途,而不須向您或任何其他人士支付任何補償。
5. 連結至其他網站


6. 免責聲明及責任限制
6.1 鑒於科技及在線環境屬不可預測,我們並不保證(不論明示或暗示)本網站的功能、運作或連接能力會不受干預及無誤,亦不保證當中的缺陷會得到修正,或本網站或可供本網站使用的伺服器將無病毒、木馬程式、蠕蟲程式或其他有害成份。您有責任確保您備有合適的設備以正常瀏覽及使用本網站,並排除任何可能損害您電腦的事項。我們不會就由您使用或未能瀏覽本網站及/或與之有關的任何事項承擔責任。
6.2 本網站及其內容按「現狀」提供,風險須由您自行承擔,且無任何形式的保證。在適用法律法規所允許的最大程度下,我們不會就本網站及當中所載資訊概不作出任何形式的保證(不論明示或暗示)。
6.3 我們不會就任何因天災、火災、洪澇、意外、暴亂、戰爭、恐怖襲擊、政府干預、禁運、示威、勞資糾紛、設備故障(包括但不限於互聯網系統故障),或任何超出我們合理控制的原因,而直接或間接引致我們未能、延誤及違反我們的責任及義務而承擔任何責任。
6.4 在不違反條款6的原則下,並受適用法律法規所限,我們就有關您使用本網站而產生的全部申索所承擔的責任總額將以港幣100元為上限。



Welcome to www.luenonjewellery-onlineshop.com  ("Website") operated by Luen On Jewellery Factory Limited ("Luen On Jewellery Online shop"). Please read carefully the following Terms of Use, which govern your use of the Website and/or the information contained therein.

Throughout the Website, the terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to Luen On Jewellery Factory Limited.

By accessing the Website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Use as well as accepting the "Personal Data (Privacy) Policy Statement" ("Statement") posted on the Website.

We reserve the right to change the Terms of Use from time to time without notice to you. Your continued use of the Website following such change shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended Terms of Use. If at any time you do not agree to the Terms of Use, please do not use the Website.

The Terms of Use are written in both English and Chinese. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the former shall prevail.

1. Use of the Website
1.1 The Website may be used only for lawful purposes and in a lawful manner. You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the Website.
1.2 You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Website, including without limitation accessing data not intended for you, logging into a server which you are not authorised to access, probing, scanning or testing the vulnerability of a system or network utilized by the Website, breaching the security or authentication measures adopted by us for the Website and interfering with the access to or use of the Website by other users.
1.3 You shall not misuse the Website by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other materials which are malicious or technologically harmful, and shall not attack the Website in any manner whatsoever, including without limitation via denial-of-service attack or distributed denial-of-service attack.
1.4 In the event that you have breached or violated, or we suspect that you have breached or violated or attempt to breach or violate, any provisions of the Terms of Use or any applicable laws and regulations, we shall have the absolute right to expel you and prevent your further access to the Website (by way of, including but not limited to, blocking your Internet Protocol (IP) address) without notice and compensation of any kind to you.
1.5 Your breach or attempted breach of the Terms of Use, including without limitation this Clause [1], will subject you to civil liability and possibly also criminal liability, whereupon we shall take legal actions against you as we deem necessary and expedient, including without limitation reporting to the relevant law enforcement authority(ies) and disclosing your identity to them.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
2.1 All contents on the Website (including without limitation text, designs, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, images, layout, brands, illustrations, audio and video clips, interfaces, codes, software, the compilations, selections and arrangements thereof and other proprietary materials contained on the Website) are the exclusive properties of ours, our affiliates (including without limitation our holding company, subsidiaries and other group members) ("Affiliates"), our licensors or other third parties, and are protected by copyright, trademark, service mark and/or other proprietary laws.
2.2 Without prejudice to Clause [2.1], all trademarks used on the Website are the registered or unregistered marks of ours or our Affiliates or third party licensors, which are protected by trademark laws. Nothing contained in the Website shall be construed as granting, by implications, estoppel or otherwise, any licence or right to use any trademarks displayed on the Website.
2.3 You may access, copy, download and print the materials contained on the Website for your personal non-commercial use only, provided, however, you will not modify or delete any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices in such materials in whatsoever manner. You will not obtain any right, title or interest in any of such materials as a result of such access, copying, downloading or printing.
2.4 Any use of the contents on the Website other than those permitted under the Terms of Use, including but not limited to modification, removal, distribution, transmission, reproduction, broadcast, publication, display, licensing, reverse engineering, transfer or sale of, or commercial exploitation of or creation of derivative works from, any materials obtained from the Website (in whole or in part), or use of the Website for purposes competitive to the businesses of ours or our Affiliates without our prior written consent, is strictly prohibited.
3. Contents of the Website
3.1 The maintenance of the Website and all materials and information presented thereon are intended for your personal entertainment, information, education and/or communications only, and shall not howsoever be regarded as our offer for sale of any goods or provision of any services. For the avoidance of doubt, pictures of the products displayed on the Website are for reference only. If you wish to purchase our products online, please visit the relevant "Market Site(s)" operated by us (or our Affiliates) which link(s) are provided on the Website, whereupon you will be bound by the relevant terms and conditions applicable to such "Market Site(s)".
3.2 We give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, utility or other qualities of the information contained on or given in relation to the Website, and shall not be liable for damage of any kind (whether we ought reasonably to have known or had been advised on the possibility of the same) arising from and/or in connection with the information contained on the Website. In no event shall you rely on any of the materials on the Website as the sole basis for making decisions without consulting primary and more accurate, complete and timely sources of information. Any reliance on the materials on the Website is entirely at your own risk.
3.3 Any typographical error, clerical or other error or omission on the Website shall be subject to our correction at any time without any liability on our part.
3.4 We reserve the right to modify or withdraw, temporarily or permanently, the Website (or any part thereof) with or without notice to you. In any event, we shall not be liable to you for any modification to or withdrawal of the Website.
4. Communication and Submission
4.1 You agree and consent that any and all comments, messages, data, suggestions, designs, concepts and other items or materials disclosed, submitted or offered to us through or in connection with the Website (collectively "Submission") are of non-confidential basis, save and except for the Submission made under or in connection with the sections "Franchise Opportunities" and "Career" and any other sections as we may advise from time to time of the Website. We shall be under no obligation to (i) maintain any Submission in confidence (save in relation to the foregoing excepted Submission); (ii) pay to you or anyone any compensation for or in connection with the use of any Submission; or (iii) respond to any Submission.
4.2 You represent and warrant that no Submission by you (i) violates any applicable laws or regulations; (ii) infringes the copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of others or violates the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others; (iii) is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, scandalous, threatening, abusive or hateful; (iv) advertises or solicits funds, goods, services, or disseminates any junk mails, spam, chain letters, schemes or other forms of solicitation (unless the nature of the Website requires such activities); or (v) contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, corrupted files, or other materials that may cause damage to another's computer.
4.3 You shall not use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead us as to the origin of any Submission.
4.4 If you make any Submission through the Website, you unconditionally grant us and our Affiliates a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute and display such material throughout the world in any media (subject to Clause [4.1]) and carry out any other lawful purposes, without any compensation to you or any other person.
5. Link to other websites

Where the Website provides links to other websites which are operated by our Affiliates or any other third parties, these are provided solely as a convenience to you, and shall not in any way be regarded as an endorsement of any kind by us approving the contents on such websites. If you access any of such websites, you do so entirely at your own risk and are subject to the terms and conditions applicable thereto. We neither take any responsibility for nor make any representations, warranties or undertakings (whether express or implied) as to their availability and the contents contained therein. We shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or other liability incurred as a result of your use of any of such websites. Any questions or comments relating to such websites shall be addressed to the operators and/or proprietors of such websites.

6. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
6.1 Given the unpredictability of technology and the online environment, we do not warrant (whether expressly or impliedly) that the function, operation or accessibility of the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website or the server that makes it available will be free of viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other harmful elements. It is your responsibility to ensure that the right equipment is available to you in order to properly access and use the Website and screen out anything that may damage your computer. We accept no liability whatsoever and howsoever arising from and/or in connection with your use of or inability to access the Website.
6.2 The Website and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis at your own risk without any warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable laws and regulations, we disclaim any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, in relation to the Website and the information contained therein.
6.3 We shall not be liable for any failure, delay or default in carrying out our obligations or duties hereunder directly or indirectly caused by or resulted from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, terrorist attack, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour disputes, equipment failures (including but not limited to Internet system failure), or any other causes beyond our reasonable control.
6.4 Without prejudice to this Clause [6] and subject to applicable laws and regulations, our aggregate liability to you for all claims arising from your use of the Website shall be limited to the amount of HK$100.